Our Approach

Are you ready to take control of your health and feel good again?! We would love to have you as a patient in our office.

We focus on holistic healing with an emphasis in musculoskeletal health through chiropractic care, muscle work, and educating our patients on positive lifestyle changes that will aid in their care. At Healthy Bones Chiropractic, we treat all of our patients as individual people coming from all walks of life with their own circumstance. Depending on the individual patient care, we incorporate chiropractic adjustments, neuromuscular rehabilitation, muscle therapies, cold laser, vibe plate, taping, and patient education in our care plans.

Pregnancy Care

Dr. Blair and Dr. Rachel have passion and additional training in chiropractic care for pregnant women. They both practice Webster technique which is a soft and gentle, yet effective adjustment to provide relief to mom, open up the pelvis to give baby optimal space in there, and make sure the nervous system is functioning optimally to set mom and baby up for a smooth delivery. Common conditions seen during pregnancy are neck pain, back pain, headaches, insomnia, gastric reflux, sciatica, round ligament pain, pubic pain, and of course the regular aches and pains! Side effects of chiropractic care during pregnancy include decreased nausea, better sleep, improved posture and balance, reduced labor times, reduced cesarean section rates, and continued wellness post partum.

Pediatric Care

Babies benefit so much from chiropractic care! Birth is a beautiful experience, but it is traumatic to both mom and baby. It is ideal to have your baby checked by a chiropractor following birth to ensure optimal nervous system function as he or she begins their life journey! Common conditions seen with the pediatric population are breastfeeding difficulties, constipation, sleep issues, latching problems, colic, reflux, ear infections, sinus infections, and overall failure to thrive. Monthly wellness checks are recommended to ensure baby meets all of their developmental milestones and are using their primitive reflexes in a timely manner!

Chiropractic Neurophysiology

Chiropractic adjustments do more than just make you feel good! They alter the nervous system both locally and systematically. The nervous system controls every single function in the body – sleeping, waking, moving your right arm, moving your left big toe, positive thoughts, emotions, bowel movements. Without the nervous system, we would not have control over our bodies. Chiropractic adjustments improve the connection between the brain and the body. Think about a safety pin. If the top of the safety pin is the brain, and the open pointed part is the rest of our body there is no connection there. The brain can send impulses to the body but the body has no way to send messages back to the brain (feedback). However, when the safety pin is closed, there is communication both ways. This describes a connected vs disconnected body. Chiropractic ensures the safety pin is closed by delivering adjustments to increase proprioception to the area, restore proper nerve flow, and improve function in specific areas.